Saturday, April 21, 2012

Thank heavens for Annie in Netflix!!!

I was in a very deep sleep when I felt my entire sleeping world shaking. I wake up to find my daughter's smiling face right infront of me while she was trying to wake me up in her own way. It was 9:30 am already, but I had a long night. You see, Hayli, my baby, decided to take a four hour nap last night. So when she woke up @ 11 pm, she was bouncing off the walls. Haha! She didn't settle down until around 1:30ish am. I think I fell asleep at 2 am. I don't know. I was to groggy to keep watch of the time.

Did I mention, my husband and I was doing the Insanity workout Max Interval
Circuit? So I was definitely beat!!

Well anyway, I had been experimentig with different shows for babies & kids alike. Cartoons, non cartoons, anything you can imagine, I had tried to show my 11 month old daughter. None of them could hold her attention. Up until I stumbled upon Annie!

Yes! Good old Annie. Who knew Hayli would be very much fascinated by that show? It makes perfect sense. She loves children & music. Annie's a bunch of children singing and dancing all the time.

Ever since Hayli saw Annie it has been on repeat everyday. I can memorize some of the lines already! But thats ok! At least, I can calm her down for a little bit.

So anyway, as I was saying. I was still then too sleepy when she woke up. So I put her back to her crib, turned on the TV, turned on Netflix in our PS3, and played Annie. Voila! I can now go back to sleep! Haha!

Well, I was going to go back to sleep, but as you can tell, I can't since I'm blogging my sleep away.

Nifty little invention though. Netflix, I mean. Thanks to them, I can play Annie any day any time. On the tv thru PS3 or XBox, thru the laptop, ipad and even iphone. Why, even since we had netflix, we barely turn the cable on. My husband only watches NBA on cable. The rest of the shows we watch in netflix. Did I mention its only $8.99/ month? Pretty cheap!

Anyway. That's my tale! Im so hungry! Gotta go eat! Babush!!!

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